I have reached one of the most highly-anticipated parts of my trip (by me): Mexico City. I think this entry is going to have to be about expectations vs. reality. Let me start off by saying that I have even dreamed of going to Mexico City. Literally. Several times. And I was super stoked to get here.

So I'd love to say that it has totally lived up to them, but the jury's still out, even after a day and a half (an eternity in this fly-by-night, speeding through Latin America trip). Right now I'm just sort of on sensory overload. This city is noisy, and smelly, and literally I have a headache from straining to see everything there is to see. It's just so big! It's also been raining since Anne and I got here yesterday, so that has definitely colored my perception of things as well. In addition to weaving and ducking among all the crowds (crowds...everywhere...), I've also had to weave to avoid all the puddles and the busses that spray you on the sidewalk.
This is a very vibrant city, though, and in its glory periods it has built some impressive monuments to itself, and to the country as a whole. There is a huge Frida Kahlo exhibition on, as it's the 100 year anniversary of her birth this year, and the city is constantly putting on a number of different cultural activities. There's definitely a lot to love. It's even a bit like Santiago, in its own sprawled-out, smoggy little way.
It has a whole French vibe as well, particularly in the centro histórico. Wide boulevards, wrought iron. The Metro is also very much like the one in Paris; it even smells the same. It's a lot more crowded though. There's a section of every platform where only women and children can stand to wait for trains, the idea being that they can then have a whole car to themselves (though no one seems to respect this).

But there is a lot of poverty. There are massive slums on its outskirts, that stretch out literally to the horizon. The whole city is sinking, as well, and I'm pretty sure that one tower of the cathedral is higher than the other. And everyone's in everyone else's grill, all the time.
I'm trying to like it.
Hi Carl!
Thanks for the fantastic 2 weeks. It's great to be able to follow your onward journey on the internet! For the other blog readers: the sections on Panama, Costa Rica and Guatemala are entirely truthful :-)
Enjoy these last weeks of your trip, amigo!
hey Carl enjoy Mexico.
enjoying the blog. but WHAT HAPPENED TO NICARAGUA? after fourteen years (ouch) since I left, I was curious to know what you thought of it. hey ho, guess I'll just have to go see for myself. santiago still missing you
Peter x
Hi Carl,
I hope your trip continues to go well. Give my greetings to Anne. My condolences on the passing of your Grandmother. I look forward to catching up one of these days.
Hasta Mas Adelante,
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