But let's not get ahead of ourselves. To pick up where we left off, I took a night bus to Trujillo, about 9 hours north of Lima. Here, you have to go by the time it takes to get to a place, not the distance, because distances can be completely deceptive here. It might very easily take 6 hours to go 150 miles, due to road conditions, mountainous terrain, and other variables.
Trujillo is the capital of the Chimú culture, which rose and fell before the Incas took control of everything from southern Colombia to northern Chile. The Chimú capital city, Chan-Chan, is right outside Trujillo. Unfortunately it wasn't very well preserved, mostly due to periodic El Niño-related flooding that had the tendency to sweep everything away. The fact that their buildings were basically big piles of sand right next to the ocean didn't help, either. But hey. Now they are restoring Chan-Chan, bit by bit, and I took a tour of it. Here is a picture of its main square:

Trujillo itself is a pretty quiet place. It does have good ceviche though. I must have that stuff on the brain, as I have eaten it for lunch every day for the past week. And I haven't gotten sick once!

Tomorrow: Ecuador.
Now Carl's the one who rules.
amigo querido,..acà en Valle de Codpa,..con el BAFONA..
Ballet Nacional.
Que te parece...me encantaron tus comentarios de viaje,..LIAM esta contigo??
ojalà mis anteriores comentarios los ubieses recibido.
Ya sabes, mi conexion es a traves de placas solares acà en este desierto.
cariños a LIAM
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