Some people have requested that I put up a Top Ten List of my favorite places along the way. Here they are (in order from South to North):
-Humberstone, Iquique, Chile (because it was awesome to walk around this mining ghost town and imagine what it was like during its glory days)
-Codpa, Chile (because I had such an awesome time hanging out with my friend Tibor, eating grapefruits still warm off the vine and stargazing at night)
-Coroico, Bolivia (because I loved the place I stayed, and I loved the tropical feel to it, and I was reading a really good book at the time)
-Isla del Sol, on Lake Titicaca, Bolivia (because of the sunset over the lake the night before in Copacabana, drinking coca tea on the hotel balcony, and because it was awesome to imagine the Inca kings on retreat there)
-Guayaquil, Ecuador (because I had such a good time with Carlos in this cosmopolitan, orderly port city)
-Quito, Ecuador (because it was easily accessible, and because of the awesome shawarma and the gilded Jesuit church)
-San Agustín, Colombia (because of the sugar cane juice with lemon, and the tour of the sculptures, and the heaping bandejas of Colombian food)
-Playa Blanca, Islas del Rosario, Colombia (because of the snorkeling, and the beautiful beach...and because next year they're going to build some homogenized resort there and I got to see it before they do that)
-Monteverde, Costa Rica (because we saw quetzals there, and howler monkeys and an agouti...and also because of the Tarzan swing)
-Tulum, Mexico (because we had a beautiful white beach practically all to ourselves)
-Chichén Itzá (and the cenote azul), Mexico (because we got to Chichén Itzá before the crowds did)
-Mexico City, Mexico (because it sent me into sensory overload)
Sorry, that's 12. I couldn't narrow it down. But that's the cool thing about having your own blog: you can make up the rules as you go along.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Conclusions, Part 1
It's good to be home. You can get the best of both worlds (north and south) right here.
The fact is, I can gain access to all the cultural goods of Latin America, even when I'm in the US, so I'm never too far from Chile. Or at least, from Spanish. I have the internet. I can watch Univision, and Telemundo. "José Luis Sin Censura" (Google it, you won't be disappointed) is on every day at 6:00. "La Esclava Isaura" comes on every night at 9.
I have learned the following things from my little trip.
1) If you are familiar enough with the culture of one Latin American country, you can manage in all of them. Even if the culture you're most familiar with (Chile) is the most un-Latin American country of the bunch.
2) Travelling is a good time to catch up on your reading. I read some really good books along the way, and I would recommend these ones in particular:
-Los detectives salvajes, by Roberto Bolaño (translated into English in the US as The Savage Detectives)
-Noticia de un secuestro, by Gabriel García Márquez (Translated into English as News of a Kidnapping)
-Assassination on Embassy Row, by John Dinges and Saul Landau
-What is the What, by Dave Eggers
-Calibre 39 (an anthology of Colombian authors under 39)
3) I love cities. The grittier the better.
4) Latin America will only leave poverty behind if other countries do what Chile has done, economically speaking. I saw no other viable alternatives.
5) You can't travel from Chile to California in just three months on a small budget, unless you plan really well. You need to either have money, or more time (or both), to do it right.
6) There are very few cheap "travellers' paradises" in Latin America anymore. The word is out on most of the nice places, and locals have jacked up the prices accordingly (as well they should). There are still lots of unexplored places, but I didn't have the time to take the risk to see if there were cool things off the beaten track (in most places). Next time.
7) I have a lot of faith in the people of Latin America. Its greatest resource, far more valuable than all its minerals put together, are its human resources: clever, resourceful, warm, friendly people--extremely highly trained, in some cases. I have faith that the people of Latin America will find solutions to their problems, and that these solutions will have a human face.
The fact is, I can gain access to all the cultural goods of Latin America, even when I'm in the US, so I'm never too far from Chile. Or at least, from Spanish. I have the internet. I can watch Univision, and Telemundo. "José Luis Sin Censura" (Google it, you won't be disappointed) is on every day at 6:00. "La Esclava Isaura" comes on every night at 9.
I have learned the following things from my little trip.
1) If you are familiar enough with the culture of one Latin American country, you can manage in all of them. Even if the culture you're most familiar with (Chile) is the most un-Latin American country of the bunch.
2) Travelling is a good time to catch up on your reading. I read some really good books along the way, and I would recommend these ones in particular:
-Los detectives salvajes, by Roberto Bolaño (translated into English in the US as The Savage Detectives)
-Noticia de un secuestro, by Gabriel García Márquez (Translated into English as News of a Kidnapping)
-Assassination on Embassy Row, by John Dinges and Saul Landau
-What is the What, by Dave Eggers
-Calibre 39 (an anthology of Colombian authors under 39)
3) I love cities. The grittier the better.
4) Latin America will only leave poverty behind if other countries do what Chile has done, economically speaking. I saw no other viable alternatives.
5) You can't travel from Chile to California in just three months on a small budget, unless you plan really well. You need to either have money, or more time (or both), to do it right.
6) There are very few cheap "travellers' paradises" in Latin America anymore. The word is out on most of the nice places, and locals have jacked up the prices accordingly (as well they should). There are still lots of unexplored places, but I didn't have the time to take the risk to see if there were cool things off the beaten track (in most places). Next time.
7) I have a lot of faith in the people of Latin America. Its greatest resource, far more valuable than all its minerals put together, are its human resources: clever, resourceful, warm, friendly people--extremely highly trained, in some cases. I have faith that the people of Latin America will find solutions to their problems, and that these solutions will have a human face.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The Border/La Frontera
(En español, abajo)
I flew to Tijuana, and then crossed over the border into San Diego. From there, I called my brother David, who lives in downtown SD. No sooner had I sat down to a "Meat Lovers' Breakfast Burrito" (god bless America) at a Jack in the Box just over the border, when a familiar-looking minivan pulled up outside. My parents and my brothers picked me up, and we had a nice day in San Diego before driving back to Camarillo.
My parents had been following my progress on a bulletin board in the breakfast nook. I hope I inspired them to see some of the places along the way. When are you going to Colombia, Mom?
Así que volé a Tijuana, y crucé la frontera a San Diego. De ahí llamé a mi hermano David, que vive en el centro de San Diego. Mientras lo esperaba, fui a un Jack in the Box (una cadena de comida chatarra) y pedí un burrito de desayuno (en gringolandia los burritos se comen a cualquier hora). Lo hice en español, a todo esto, porque la señora en la caja no entendía inglés. En fin. Una vez sentado y comiendo, entró una señora, gringa, apoyada por lo que parecía su marido. Tenía la cara hinchada, muy grotesca, y llevaba bata y pantuflas. Entraron al restaurante y fueron derechito al baño. Hubo una pausa en la conversa, y todos los parroquianos nos mirábamos. Un mexicano sentado delante mío de repente dijo: "¡Una fantasma!" Y todos nos reímos a carcajadas. Supongo que muchos gringos cruzan a México a hacerse su cirujía plástica porque ahí ahorran algo de platita.
Bueno, después de un ratito llegó una minivan que me era familiar. Mi familia entera salió y nos abrazamos en frente del Jack in the Box. Tuvimos una tarde agradable en San Diego, antes de emprender rumbo a Camarillo, nuestro pueblito en los suburbios del mero sueño americano.
Resultó que mis viejos habían estado siguiendo mi viaje en su sala de estar (véase foto del mapa, arriba). Así que estoy en casa, descansando. Preparándome pa' la próxima aventura.
Así que volé a Tijuana, y crucé la frontera a San Diego. De ahí llamé a mi hermano David, que vive en el centro de San Diego. Mientras lo esperaba, fui a un Jack in the Box (una cadena de comida chatarra) y pedí un burrito de desayuno (en gringolandia los burritos se comen a cualquier hora). Lo hice en español, a todo esto, porque la señora en la caja no entendía inglés. En fin. Una vez sentado y comiendo, entró una señora, gringa, apoyada por lo que parecía su marido. Tenía la cara hinchada, muy grotesca, y llevaba bata y pantuflas. Entraron al restaurante y fueron derechito al baño. Hubo una pausa en la conversa, y todos los parroquianos nos mirábamos. Un mexicano sentado delante mío de repente dijo: "¡Una fantasma!" Y todos nos reímos a carcajadas. Supongo que muchos gringos cruzan a México a hacerse su cirujía plástica porque ahí ahorran algo de platita.
Bueno, después de un ratito llegó una minivan que me era familiar. Mi familia entera salió y nos abrazamos en frente del Jack in the Box. Tuvimos una tarde agradable en San Diego, antes de emprender rumbo a Camarillo, nuestro pueblito en los suburbios del mero sueño americano.
Resultó que mis viejos habían estado siguiendo mi viaje en su sala de estar (véase foto del mapa, arriba). Así que estoy en casa, descansando. Preparándome pa' la próxima aventura.
DF, DFondo
Con la excepción de Oaxaca (hay que agregarlo), donde la atmósfera era más que nada una de conflicto social. Justo el día que nos fuimos de Oaxaca, estallaron desmanes relacionados con las demandas de los profesores de mejores sueldos. O por lo menos, así comenzó la cosa; ahora abarca las demandas históricas de los pobres en una región desigual, latifundista y aún gobernada por el PRI.
Bueno, como puse en mi último posteo en inglés, DF me instó a un estado de delirio. Ya había estado viajando tanto tiempo, pasando por tantas cosas (mi abuelita se murió, me dio una infección de estafilococco, de la que recuperé), tanta logística (que adónde va este bus, que cuándo partimos para Chichén Itzá, que si el taxista me está estafando, que hay que empacar la mochila por enésima vez, que este hotelucho no sirve, que ese camino en bus será de 22 horas aunque cubre una distancia de como 200 km...), tanta cerveza...
DF, o por lo menos las partes turísticas, tiene una estética única. Tiene elementos de lo futurista kitsch (lo que pensaban que iba a ser el futuro en los años 60, onda Tomorrowlandia), lo azteca guerrillero de las ruinas, lo colonial de la llegada de los españoles y lo decimonónico afrancesado del Porfiriato. Es una mezcla inolvidable, y por más dispares que parezcan los elementos que la componen, es una mezcla que funciona. Esto es el encanto de México, para mí: el hallazgo de la coherencia en una variedad muy rara e improbable de elementos.
O sea: desorientación y delirio. DF me agotó. Y llegué a la conclusión de que no me quedaba otro remedio que irme para la casa, ahora ya. Y me fui.
Frida Fever
I think Mexico City induced a sort of delirium in me. It's a fairly disorienting city in the best of scenarios, but when you've been traveling for close to three months, you're a little nervous about grad school (coming up as soon as you cross that border), and you've been through the death of your grandma and a staph infection in the process, the existing chaos of DF takes on kaleidoscopic and phantasmagorical qualities. The clowns doing entertainment on the Metro for spare change become grostesque. The smog gets into your eyes, and your subconscious.
One Mexico City personage who experienced the delirium of this city and externalized it even as she suffered it was Frida Kahlo. Some of you may have seen the recent Salma Hayek movie? Well, this year is the centennial of her birth, and Mexico City is celebrating that by capitalizing on the mounting international attention that Frida received both late in life and since her death, even when she was lesser known in Mexico than her husband, the muralist Diego Rivera. The result was a special exhibition of her art at her house in the southern Mexico City district of Coyoacán, and a huge solo show at the capital's Palacio de Bellas Artes. So me, my Stanford friend Nick and his girlfriend Desha had a Frida day once they arrived. We went to the Fine Arts Palace, and then to Frida's house (the Casa Azul, where she grew up and which she later lent to Leon Trotsky when he was in exile in DF), and then to the house that Diego and Frida shared, nearby in San Ángel.
Frida suffered in life. She was run over by a streetcar, which left her incapacitated, on and off, throughout her life. It also probably led to her early death, in 1954. She was in a lot of pain, and many of her paintings reflect on the delirium that pain and suffering can cause. The tricks they can play on our minds. Frida painted many self-portraits that showed her suffering in very novel ways. Having spent a lot of time in the US, she also reflected on popular culture and fame.
Many images come to my mind now, two in particular. One: a painting of two Fridas next to each other, bound together by veins, one of which is being cut with scissors by one Frida, causing it to bleed on her white dress. Two: a painting of Dorothy Hale, a movie star who jumped to her death off the Empire State Building. Frida gave the painting to the star's mother.
Diego Rivera's murals are another iconic example of Mexico City's rich visual arts scene. Using a number of themes, which were often Marxist, Rivera painted huge scenes taking in a variety of themes, including man's and science's triumphs over nature, war and peace, fascism, death, work and leisure. Fascinating and overwhelming. Diego and Frida's relationship was one for the books. Though tempestuous, he was the love of her life, and she his.
In Mexico City, I found that I couldn't just take things in without getting intensely involved in them. This is probably because the city's monuments and sights are so wonderfully imperfect, or layered, or conflicted, and therefore quite accessible. You don't see the slickness of the Louvre, or the manicured perfection of Versailles. But this doesn't make DF's sights any less important. Its cathedral is just as impressive as any European one, but it's sinking into the ground. It's actually a bit crooked (Mexico City used to be a lake, after all). Its National Anthropology Museum has amazing archaeological artifacts, dramatically displayed. But you can't look at these Aztec runes without thinking balefully about how Cortés came in and basically wiped this amazing civilization off the map of living cultures, denying its achievements and trying to replace it with one that was far inferior. These layers of presentation were spell-binding for me.
It was just too much. I came to the conclusion that I just needed to go home. I had travelled long enough. I'll come back to DF when I'm a little less worn-down, because it needs my undivided attention.

It was just too much. I came to the conclusion that I just needed to go home. I had travelled long enough. I'll come back to DF when I'm a little less worn-down, because it needs my undivided attention.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
DFinitely not for the faint of heart
This is a very vibrant city, though, and in its glory periods it has built some impressive monuments to itself, and to the country as a whole. There is a huge Frida Kahlo exhibition on, as it's the 100 year anniversary of her birth this year, and the city is constantly putting on a number of different cultural activities. There's definitely a lot to love. It's even a bit like Santiago, in its own sprawled-out, smoggy little way.
It has a whole French vibe as well, particularly in the centro histórico. Wide boulevards, wrought iron. The Metro is also very much like the one in Paris; it even smells the same. It's a lot more crowded though. There's a section of every platform where only women and children can stand to wait for trains, the idea being that they can then have a whole car to themselves (though no one seems to respect this).
I'm trying to like it.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tulum or not Tulum

A quick note about Mexico, by the way. While it has kind of a bad rap in the US, let me just say that in comparison with just about every other Latin American country I've been to, this is about the most orderly, efficient, and clean one of the lot. It's so interesting how relative everything is: some Americans may consider Mexico a bit tawdry from their perspective, but this is a very wealthy, prosperous place in comparison to its neighbors to the south.

People! Mexico is like paradise, and it's a 4 hour plane ride away from most of you! You cannot pass this place up!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Guate and Guatemala (C.A.)
First, an apology for taking so long to write. I haven't been in the best mood of late, for several reasons, and I'd rather say nothing at all if I'm in too bad of a mood to say anything nice. If I'm down, I can't do that happy-go-lucky traveler schtick you have grown to know and love. But I'm on a bit of an upswing, so I will catch you up on my adventures.
Wow, I'm looking at my pictures here, and they look really good! Well, you're going to enjoy this, then.
After Antigua, of which I posted pictures in my previous entry, we continued on to the town of Panajachel, which is on the shores of Lake Atitlán, a volcanic crater in the Guatemalan highlands. It is surrounded by three volcanoes, and countless little towns. We took a boat tour of three of them: Santiago de Atitlán, San Antonio and San Pedro. Our visit to Santiago, the most traditional of the three, was centered around our pilgrimage to MAXIMON, which is this pseudo-Catholic icon that the town "worships." I'm actually not sure at this point where the worship ends and the tourist trapping begins when it comes to Maximón, but it was still cool. We had to pay 10 Quetzals to see Him, and we went into a room where this statue was standing on an altar. The statue had a cigar in its mouth and it was wearing three ties (real silk, our guide informed us, from Japan and Italy). We tried to be as serious about it as we could, so we paid our respects and got back on the boat, basically.
Another cool aspect of Santiago was its main church, because of its memorial to an American priest, Fr. Stanley Rohter, who was murdered there in 1981 because he took sides in the bloody conflict that gripped Guatemala for so long.
After Panajachel (aka "Gringotenango", by the way, because of all the foreigners living there) we were able to go to a big market day in the famous town of Chichicastenango. This was amazing. I will let the pictures speak for Chichi, because it actually looks better in the pictures than it does in real life. In real life it's huge and disorienting, but in the pictures it's colorful and exciting.
Then it was time to go to Guate (the capital) to say goodbye to Joris, my Belgian friend. I have to say that of all the Latin American capital cities I have visited, this was the one where I felt most unsafe. Once out of the uppity area of town (the "Zona Viva," "Live" or "Alive" zone), which was heavily guarded due to the International Olympic Committee meeting there, walking along the street was actually a bit nerve-wracking, even in the middle of the day. Could it be that I was influenced by all the newspapers, like this one, which were headlined every day with graphically-portrayed violent crimes and murders?
Joris left on Friday morning, and on Friday night I left for Flores, up in the Caribbean region of Guatemala. Flores, a little island town, is the closest town to the mythical Mayan ruins of Tikal, to which I took an excursion once I arrived in Flores on Saturday morning. Tikal is amazing. I overheard a group of American tourists talking about the movie "Apocalypto," which I hope did it justice. Because Tikal rivals Machu Picchu, I think. It's not all controlled yet like Machu Picchu is, so you can totally climb the ruins and have your lunch at the top if you want to (this will probably not last, though). You can definitely have mystical alone time with the pyramids, which I did. It was great.
Wow, I'm looking at my pictures here, and they look really good! Well, you're going to enjoy this, then.

Another cool aspect of Santiago was its main church, because of its memorial to an American priest, Fr. Stanley Rohter, who was murdered there in 1981 because he took sides in the bloody conflict that gripped Guatemala for so long.

Then it was time to go to Guate (the capital) to say goodbye to Joris, my Belgian friend. I have to say that of all the Latin American capital cities I have visited, this was the one where I felt most unsafe. Once out of the uppity area of town (the "Zona Viva," "Live" or "Alive" zone), which was heavily guarded due to the International Olympic Committee meeting there, walking along the street was actually a bit nerve-wracking, even in the middle of the day. Could it be that I was influenced by all the newspapers, like this one, which were headlined every day with graphically-portrayed violent crimes and murders?

Monday, July 2, 2007
Entre panas y compas
Saludos desde Guatemala, donde los colores abundan, y la lluvia también (por lo menos en esta época). Estoy ahora con mi compadre Joris el belga (un compañero de depto de Stanford) en el pueblo de Panajachel, a orillas del majestuoso Lago Atitlán. Hemos tenido un montón de aventuras.
Nuestra primera parada en Guatemala fue La Antigua, un pueblo colonial cuya arquitectura abarca lo maya y lo español al mismo tiempo. Fue la capital de Guatemala, antes de una serie de terremotos que terminó derrumbándola.
Por suerte la han reconstruido. Antigua es un lugar muy cosmopolita, donde se puede salir de un restaurant tailandés y toparse con un niño descalzo vendiendo chicles. Hay mucho extranjero, además de los propios guatemaltecos que vienen a Antigua (que está a una hora de Ciudad de Guatemala) a escaparse por un fin de semana de carrete y descanso. Recorrí las librerías de viejo y compré una novela de Asturias (Guatemalteco/"chapín" y Premio Nobel 1967). Era muy agradable sentarme en la plaza central del pueblo, comiendo un helado y mirando la gente.
Hay que comenzar en Antigua con el Arco de Santa Catalina, debajo del cual tienes que pasar para llegar a la plaza (aunque no antes de pasar por una sucursal del infaltable restaurant cadena de Centroamérica, Pollo Campero). Delante tuyo, a varios kilómetros de distancia, puedes apreciar el Volcán Agua.
Hablando de volcanes, con Joris subimos a uno, el Volcán Pacaya. He aquí la prueba fotográfica de dicha hazaña. Me alegro de que lo haya hecho, pero pucha que me dio miedo en el momento. Al subir, sobre todo en las partes más altas, hubo varios lugares en donde se veía la lava debajo de nuestros pasos, o bien al ladito, y de hecho a veces el suelo mismo estaba caliente. Los suelos de mis zapatillas se empezaron a derretir, de hecho (se lo juro). A un chico en nuestro grupo se le cayó su botella de agua en uno de los hoyos de lava (calderas, en realidad) y enseguida el plástico se derritió y cuando salió el agua de la botella se convirtió en vapor altiro. Nuestro guía puso unos ramos dentro de un hoyo y se les prendió fuego al contacto. Muchas veces el suelo no estaba muy sólido y estaba seguro de que me iba a caer. Se me aguaban los ojos por el calor y el polvo volcánico. Pero viví para contarla. Para que vean lo atrevido que estoy últimamente. No sé qué tan seguro era este tour, pero por suerte el gobierno de Guatemala considera que el volcán no es demasiado peligroso para llevar masas de turistas casi hasta la cumbre, en dos turnos por día.
Gracias a la sugerencia de la estimada Marcela Díaz, ex jefa y actual socia del autor, al día siguiente arrendamos unas bicicletas y recorrimos los pueblos y las fincas de café alrededor de Antigua. Lo pasamos muy bien y pudimos apreciar lugares que de otra forma jamás hubiéramos conocido por lo remotos. Además era entretenido conversar con la gente cuando teníamos que parar a pedir direcciones, porque nos perdíamos a cada rato. Eso fue ayer, antes de abordar un bus a Panajachel.
Al llegar ahí, nos dejamos asombrar por el Lago Atitlán. Y hoy, tomamos una lancha que nos llevó a tres otros pueblos alrededor del lago: Santiago, San Pedro y San Antonio. Lo más divertido fue nuestra visita a Maximón, que es como el santo de Santiago de Atitlán. Tuvimos que pagar 10 quetzales de ofrenda (US$1,25) para entrar a su sanctuario, donde estaba parada una figura de madera, vestida con textiles de la región, además de pañuelos de seda y corbatas supuestamente traídos de Japón, Corea e Italia. Ah, y tenía un puro entre los labios de la cara (o sea, una máscara, porque según nuestro guía, Maximón tiene una cara detrás de la máscara, pero sólo los que están a punto de morir la ven). Me alegro de que su cara me haya sido invisible. Así que hicimos nuestras reverencias a don Maximón, y a la cofradía de hombres que lo cuidaban mientras se tomaban su aguardiente. Lástima que no nos hayan dejado sacar fotos. Pero por respeto a Maximón me abstuve.
Saludos especiales a Marcela y a Eli Aranda por los datos.

Gracias a la sugerencia de la estimada Marcela Díaz, ex jefa y actual socia del autor, al día siguiente arrendamos unas bicicletas y recorrimos los pueblos y las fincas de café alrededor de Antigua. Lo pasamos muy bien y pudimos apreciar lugares que de otra forma jamás hubiéramos conocido por lo remotos. Además era entretenido conversar con la gente cuando teníamos que parar a pedir direcciones, porque nos perdíamos a cada rato. Eso fue ayer, antes de abordar un bus a Panajachel.

Saludos especiales a Marcela y a Eli Aranda por los datos.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Pura Vida

And it has not been a let-down at all. Costa Rica is a highly developed country, in comparison to other places in Central America, and tourism--particuarly nature tourism, and the often-misused term describing its cousin, "ecotourism"--is priority number one for these people. Obviously they can't guarantee that you will go into a forest and see a ton of animals, or that if you go to hike up a volcano it won't be pouring rain on top of you, but the sights here are so amazing they barely need to worry about that.
My Belgian friend Joris, who was my roommate my first year at Stanford, is here with me and persuaded me that it was a good idea to rent a car (he is a management consultant and he's paid to make things more efficient, which I guess goes for this part of the trip as well). Despite my initial misgivings (would Che Guevara ever use Avis?), I went along with it, and I'm glad I did. We have been able to cover a lot more ground, and go at our own pace. And Costa Rica is a safe and easy place to drive, so it's no big deal.
For me, a major highlight of the trip was the area around Monteverde, in the northwestern part of the country. Monteverde was initially a settlement of Mennonites from North America who went to Costa Rica because they were against the war in Korea and didn't want to fight. Costa Rica, by the way, is a very consciously anti-war country. It doesn't have an army, and people can't carry guns. The President (Oscar Arias) is a Nobel Peace Prize winner for brokering peace within El Salvador (I think). Very cool. Monteverde has the double distinction of being at the forefront both of Costa Rican pacifism and environmental protection.

Our guide in Monteverde, as well as the other guides and hotel administrators that we have had contact with along the way, have been highly professional and incredibly knowledgeable people. Aside from knowing English impressively well and being able to articulately explain the intricacies of the ecosystems of Costa Rica, they have been unfailingly friendly and nice. Most have gone out of their way to make our trip a pleasant experience. They make travelling in this country almost disconcertingly easy (I need to remember that I can't get used to that!). Costa Rica is a great place to go for people who don't necessarily know Spanish but want to go to an interesting, far off destination. It's safe, accessible and easy to travel here (I think I have seen more gringos than Costa Ricans, actually...that might have annoyed me if I hadn't just come from Colombia). It's refreshing for me to see my compatriots enjoying Latin America en masse. Costa Ricans like to say "pura vida" ("pure life") all the time--they use that to say "cool," or "ok," or "no problem." It really works.
From Monteverde we drove to La Fortuna, which is a town at the foot of Arenal, one of the world's five most active volcanoes. It spews lava all the time, and it's really spectacular at night. Apparently Arenal supplies 45% of Costa Rica's energy. We also spent some time at some hot springs nearby. I had been to hot springs in Chile, but this is Costa Rica, where tourist attractions are more like destinations. So these hot springs had a restaurant, swim-up bars, massage areas, 9 pools with different temperatures, and saunas.

Now we are back in San José, because we are flying to Guatemala tomorrow morning. San José is impressive for how unimpessive it is. There are very few buildings higher than 3 or 4 stories, at least in the center--I'm assuming due to earthquakes. But it's a very agreeable town (it totally feels like a town, like Temuco or something), and doesn't have the unpleasantness of the "zona rosa" with gringo bars jumbled up next to slums. There are plenty of nice, unpretentious places where ticos (that's what Costa Ricans call themselves, probably because it's annoying to say "yo soy costarricense") and gringos mingle and where it's sometimes even hard to distinguish between the two. Which is a nice change. I hear Guatemala's a little different though.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
A Man, a Plan, a Canal...

Panama City is a modern metropolis with a skyline that's way out of proportion to its size: with just 700,000 residents, it has a ton of highrises with representations of banks from all over North America, Europe and Latin America. Panama proudly announces itself as a "tax haven," which I think might be a bit of a euphemism (at least sometimes) for money laundering and tax shelters. The term is best in Spanish: a "tax paradise." Works for me.
Locombia se despide
Para que no se preocupen, después de leer el último posteo, que me haya integrado a las FARC, les aviso que me he ido de Colombia a Panamá, y me encuentro sano y salvo de cuerpo y mente. Pasé mucho más tiempo en Colombia de lo previsto, porque lo encontré absolutamente encantador. A diferencia de otros países en Latinoamérica, no están chatos con la cantidad de gringos desfilando por todos sus sitios turísticos. O sea que si eres un extranjero, todavía te tratan súper bien, te preguntan muchas cosas, y te hacen sentirte un poco menos extranjero. Aparte que los colombianos son tan amables y cálidos por naturaleza.
Algo de sentimientos encontrados: después de todo, me he ido definitivamente de Sudamérica.
En Colombia, me fui después de Popayán y San Agustín a Armenia, en el mero corazón del eje cafetero colombiano, donde me quedé en una finca cafetera y visité el Parque Nacional del Café. De ahí a Bogotá, donde me encontré con mi amigo Liam, que tal vez algunos conocerán porque me vino a visitar en Chile.
Fuimos al museo de oro de Bogotá--ciudad que se parece bastante a Santiago, por clima, elevación, cultura y gente, con la excepción de que el TransMilenio funciona y el Transantiago está ahí no más--y al museo de Botero. Pero pasamos repoco ahí antes de seguir a Cartagena, donde sí pasamos bastante tiempo.
Evidencia del funcionamiento del TransMilenio:

Cartagena es un paraíso. En su casco antiguo, es una ciudad colonial, muy bien restaurada--un poco como La Habana. Y un poco más allá por la costa encuentras un banco de condominios rascacielos para colombianos millonarios y/o narcos. Y de ahí llegas a las casas del Presidente Uribe, de García Márquez y de Shakira. Cuando nos cansamos de recorrer las calles coloniales y los museos, nos mandamos a cambiar a Playa Blanca, una hora afuera de la ciudad en lancha, donde las aguas eran turquesas, cálidas y cristalinas y aún no hay mucho desarrollo turístico (aunque parece que esto está a punto de cambiar, pues nos dijeron que ya se va a construir un gran resort).
Ahí dormimos en hamacas y cubiertos por redes para protegernos de los mosquitos (aunque igual me picaron ene), y durante los días comíamos pescado y nadábamos, e hicimos esnorkel. Me sentía como Jacques Cousteau--nunca había hecho ese tipo de buceo y quedé maravillado con este ecosistema bajo el agua que nunca se ve así como así.
Y pasamos un día en el Parque Nacional Tayrona, más hacia Santa Marta, donde todo es mucho más agreste y hay muy pocas playas donde se puede nadar, por las corrientes peligrosas. Pero igual era muy lindo. Me hubiera encantado colgar una hamaca ahí mismo y dormir al son de las olas, pero no había tiempo.
Así que ayer, después de tres chequeos de nuestro equipaje de mano, una inspección completa del equipaje despachado (tuvimos que sacar todo lo que había adentro para que se aseguraran de que no llevábamos drogas), dos chequeos de detectores de metales, y el pago de algunos impuestos (y la devolución de otros--no me pregunten por qué), volamos desde Cartagena a Ciudad de Panama, en un avión de turbohélice.
Algo de sentimientos encontrados: después de todo, me he ido definitivamente de Sudamérica.

Evidencia del funcionamiento del TransMilenio:

Así que ayer, después de tres chequeos de nuestro equipaje de mano, una inspección completa del equipaje despachado (tuvimos que sacar todo lo que había adentro para que se aseguraran de que no llevábamos drogas), dos chequeos de detectores de metales, y el pago de algunos impuestos (y la devolución de otros--no me pregunten por qué), volamos desde Cartagena a Ciudad de Panama, en un avión de turbohélice.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Guest Post II de la web MSGG
[This is from one of my old coworkers back at the Presi's Palace in Stgo...]
Informe N° 002, del Ministerio de Seguridad del Estado de la Página Web, Departamento del Código HTML, Unidad Copy Paste.
Antecedentes: Estado de avance y falta de satélite para la búsqueda del ciudadano norteameraucano*: Carl [redacted]
Nombre de Pila en Chile: "Cafiche(r)", "Gringo".
Siendo junio 15 del año en curso, con un frío de los mil demonios posterior a un frente de mal tiempo, se informa lo siguiente:
1º Que luego de pasar meses con déficit de lluvias, lo que en realidad preocupaba a las autoridades en relación a una nueva crisis energética, se comunica que el país cuenta con un superávit del 2% de lluvias......... 15 damnificados, dos pasos bajo nivel anegados, y 6 tapas de alcantarilla extraviadas, las que se presumen se encuentran en el fondo marino frente a las costas de Valparaíso.
2º Que aunque no existan nuevas lluvias en lo que resta del año, y se tema por una crisis energética, la Institución se encuentra en absoluta tranquilidad debido a que los últimos estudios indican:
Que las reservas de vino tinto, ron, pisco y cerveza alcanzan sin inconvenientes hasta el Bicentenario de la República. Posterior a este magno evento se declarará al país bajo "alerta máxima" y "estado de sitio".
3º Que debido a un error involuntario (extravío de la Resolución Nº 35376711, que reglamenta la compra de huincha aisladora), se informa que no se sellaron lo cables del satélite chileno Fasat Alfa encargado de buscar al ciudadano norteameraucano Carl Fischer y de coordinar el sistema GPS del Plan de Transporte "Transantiago". Este hecho provocó la caída del satélite sobre un bus troncal, lo que ha generado retrasos de hasta dos horas..... en los 5 últimos meses.
Finalmente, la institución informa que se encuentra en buen estado sorteando con hidalguía las diferentes tareas, a pesar de las inclemencias del tiempo, y la nula contratación (hasta la fecha) de un traductor norteameraucano(*) a la altura de Fischer.
Esperamos que el Sr. Fischer se encuentre en buen estado, tanto físico, como sicológico y a la vez etílico.
Se adjunta la última foto satelital enviada desde el fax de Fasat Alfa.

(*) Norteameraucano: Gringo nacido en USA, que se vino a Chile y habla Mapuche.
PD: Con fecha 19 de junio, se procederá a la construcción de un nuevo satélite con el fin de seguir la búsqueda del mencionado ciudadano.
Se aceptan sus donaciones en el teléfono 56 2 600 200 SATELITE o en la página web:
Informe N° 002, del Ministerio de Seguridad del Estado de la Página Web, Departamento del Código HTML, Unidad Copy Paste.
Antecedentes: Estado de avance y falta de satélite para la búsqueda del ciudadano norteameraucano*: Carl [redacted]
Nombre de Pila en Chile: "Cafiche(r)", "Gringo".
Siendo junio 15 del año en curso, con un frío de los mil demonios posterior a un frente de mal tiempo, se informa lo siguiente:
1º Que luego de pasar meses con déficit de lluvias, lo que en realidad preocupaba a las autoridades en relación a una nueva crisis energética, se comunica que el país cuenta con un superávit del 2% de lluvias......... 15 damnificados, dos pasos bajo nivel anegados, y 6 tapas de alcantarilla extraviadas, las que se presumen se encuentran en el fondo marino frente a las costas de Valparaíso.
2º Que aunque no existan nuevas lluvias en lo que resta del año, y se tema por una crisis energética, la Institución se encuentra en absoluta tranquilidad debido a que los últimos estudios indican:
Que las reservas de vino tinto, ron, pisco y cerveza alcanzan sin inconvenientes hasta el Bicentenario de la República. Posterior a este magno evento se declarará al país bajo "alerta máxima" y "estado de sitio".
3º Que debido a un error involuntario (extravío de la Resolución Nº 35376711, que reglamenta la compra de huincha aisladora), se informa que no se sellaron lo cables del satélite chileno Fasat Alfa encargado de buscar al ciudadano norteameraucano Carl Fischer y de coordinar el sistema GPS del Plan de Transporte "Transantiago". Este hecho provocó la caída del satélite sobre un bus troncal, lo que ha generado retrasos de hasta dos horas..... en los 5 últimos meses.
Finalmente, la institución informa que se encuentra en buen estado sorteando con hidalguía las diferentes tareas, a pesar de las inclemencias del tiempo, y la nula contratación (hasta la fecha) de un traductor norteameraucano(*) a la altura de Fischer.
Esperamos que el Sr. Fischer se encuentre en buen estado, tanto físico, como sicológico y a la vez etílico.
Se adjunta la última foto satelital enviada desde el fax de Fasat Alfa.

(*) Norteameraucano: Gringo nacido en USA, que se vino a Chile y habla Mapuche.
PD: Con fecha 19 de junio, se procederá a la construcción de un nuevo satélite con el fin de seguir la búsqueda del mencionado ciudadano.
Se aceptan sus donaciones en el teléfono 56 2 600 200 SATELITE o en la página web:
Tropical Paradise

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